Class Calendar

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Canterbury Tales 141-144, Period 2


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  2. T- The knight is trying to figure out what women want.
    EX: "A woman wants thte self-same sovereignty/ Over her husband as over her lover.." (214-218)
    T: Why is he so desperate to know what women want?
    Y:So... as I said last time I am getting really tired of reading "The Canterbury Tales", it is really difficult for me to keep doing quotes and notes as well as, blogs on a piece of writing I have no interst in.

  3. T- the knight successfully figures out what women want most and then the judge that saves him tells him he must marry her.
    EX- "And certainly i never did you wrong./ Then why,this first of nights, so sad a song?" (268-270) this just shows that he didn't want to marry her and she forced him, proving that women just want control.
    T- was he forced to marry her? why didn't he just say no?
    Y- this just frustrated me because she knew he didn't want to marry her and she just seemed so shocked.

  4. T-the judge tells the knight he has the marry the girl after he discovers what women want and are like.
    Ex-"All went for nothing, he was forced to wed,/ the takes his ancient wife and goes to bed."
    T-If he didn't want to marry her then he should have just said no instead of doing something he truly didn't want to do.
    Y-I think this knight is stupid and he just wanted to find what women want and desire and then he has to marry someone he does not want to.

  5. t-the knight returns to the queen and gives his answer which wins him the honor of her marriage.
    ex-"for well you know that i have saved your life./If this be false, deny it on your sword"(p.142 L.232-233)
    t-Is the queen just keeping him in marriage so that he can be controlled by death?
    y-I think that the knight got totally taken advantage of. He gave her a answer that she was looking for and then she forced him into marriage because she knew she could control him.

  6. T- the Knight is forced to wed.
    EX- "I may be foul, i may be poor and old,/ Yet will not choose to be, for all the gold/ That's bedded in the earth or lies above" 239-241
    T- why was the knight forced to merry instead of some other act.
    Y- Reading this made me feel really confused and kinda ponder.

    Michael R.

  7. T-The Knight comes back and tells the Queen what it is women want.
    EX-"Yet in the end his pleading and defiance/ All went for nothing, he was forced to wed./ He takes his ancient wife and goes to bed." 246-248
    T-Why does the queen want to marry him?
    Y-This made me feel sorry for the knight because he was forced to marry.

  8. The Knight tells his answer to the queen that the old woman gave him about what woman want and she spares him. He pretty much said women want to be treated the way men do "and master him, he shall not be above her." Then the old lady says he has to marry her because she saved his life. My question is was it worth getting the question right? Ewww old people.

  9. After reading this passage it really made me think how bad i felt for the knight in this story is he forced to marry or is he forced to eternal death. to me girls are so confusing how is anybody supposed to know what woman want other then the woman. to me this was inevitable for the knight and the queen had this planned the whole time. "the knight is forced to wed" why is he forced to wed cant he just run away and in no disrespect don't men really have the say in marriage in those days but then again she is the queen.


  10. T- He was forced to marry the old lady and he wasn't happy about it.
    Ex- " I have but a short answer to let fall;/ I say there was no joy or feast at all,"
    It seems like the night is really shallow I mean he did make the agreement and it did save his life. I mean just suck it up
    It makes me feel sorry for the wife because the knight is so pissed and she likes him so much.

  11. T-We read about how the knight was forced to be married or face death. He comes back from his travels and tells the Queen what women want.
    EX-"Yet in the end his pleading and defiance/ All went for nothing, he was forced to wed./ He takes his ancient wife and goes to bed." (246-248)
    T-Why diddn't the knight just say no?
    Y-I'd have to say that I feel bad for the knight becuase it doesn't really seem like he had too much to say.

  12. Marriage is a touchy subject; the Knight was forced to do so with the queen. “All went for nothing, he was forced to wed. He takes his ancient wife and goes to bed” (247-248). This story just keeps getting better and better, the old woman queen got the treatment she thinks she deserved. However, was this reprimand or karma perhaps for the Knight and his sinful measures?

  13. The perspective on reality is so far off it makes it difficult to not just want to stop reading because the character in the reading is so far off."'A women wants the self-same sovereignty/ Over her husband as over her lover,/'" And even if the night is to find "what women want" it can't be right for ever woman. Why is it necessary that the night go on this journey? After reading it made me realize that women always change what they want and he is pretty much sent out on a wild goose chase.


  14. T- The knight's life was saved because he was able to answer the queen's question, however, he then had to keep his bargain with the old lady and marry her, which caused him immense amount of anguish.
    EX- "'But for God's love think of a new request,/ Take all my goods, but leave my body free.'/'A curse on us,' she said, 'If I agree!'" (Chaucer 236-238)
    T- If the knight felt it even remotely possible to marry this woman, and hated the idea so much, why even bother saving his life?
    Y- Well, once upon a time, I too needed help with a task. However, in order for me to receive such help, I had to owe a favor. Well, my help received I attempted to down play the favor, which didn't work and actually ended up making me more miserable while having to assist the person whom I owed.

  15. T-This Knight basically spends all his time arguing with the old woman.
    EX-"Take all my goods, but leave my body free
    'A curse on us, She said if I agree!' (Chaucer 236-238)
    T-Why couldn't the Knight just get rid of the old woman?
    Y- Reading this, well, made me laugh. They argued back and fourth and it just felt like they were getting nowhere.

  16. T-The knight was forced to marry a poor, old woman.
    EX-"'My love?' said he. 'by heaven, my damnation!" (242).
    T- If the knight was so miserable in the end then why didn't he just kill himself?
    Y-This story made me feel like the knight never should have been given a second chance. In the end the knight was miserable and he probably hurt the old woman's feelings.


  17. T- The Knight goes on a quest to find out what women want most.
    EX- "Maid, wife and widow cried, 'He's saved his life!'"(221)
    T- Why did the Queen want to be the knights wife?
    Y- This was an interesting section because the queen wanted to be with the knight and it just seems a little different.
