Class Calendar

Monday, September 20, 2010

Canterbury Tales 125-131: The Pardoner's Tale

Please post your TEXTY response below. As discussed in class, if you have trouble posting please write your response and bring it to class. Sorry this posting is online a bit late! There was an issue posting from school.


  1. I read about three drunken man on a quest to find "death" and stumble across a pile of gold coins where greed and selfness kicks in. I wonder if they really thought that death was a real person or if that was just the wine speaking? "To men in such a state the Devil sends/Thoughts of this kind,and has full permission"(190-191). The quote above represents the thoughts of the three friends and there secret plans to kill one and other for a larger cut of the gold. The reading made me feel amused, because the perfect depiction of human nature and the greed and corruption we all carry.

  2. The three men who had found the treasure, all full of greed, each were killed. "Thus these two murderers received their due,/ So did the treacherous young prisoner too." What whould have happened had they all not tried to kill one another? In todays world, we all here about karma and this passage reminds me of that. I find it hilarious that each one of these guys died, and they all deserved it.

  3. T-The three men were looking for death. Then they found death at the end.
    EX-"'Now for a drink. Sit down and let's be merry,/ For later on there'll be the corpse to butty.' /And, as it happened/ reaching for a sup,/He tool a bottle of poison up/ And drank.."
    T-Why does wealth make people greedy?
    Y- This reminds me of the stupid drama in high school, how people back stab each other.

  4. There were three pardoners that found a treasure and were killed by poisen. " And deftly poured the poisen into two." (216) Why did he want to kill these three people and not anyone else? This is an odd way to end a story to me. I didn't like it.

  5. T - Three men set out to kill somebody and ended up being killed instead.
    Ex - "And we will kill this traitor Death, I say!"
    T - Why did they want to kill him so badly?
    Y - This doesn't really relate to me but I find it ironic that they wanted to kill somebody so badly and ended up being killed themselves.

  6. T- The story was basically about three men and they all drank together. A knave came and told them about a thief that has killed many. The men find florins but they all want the florins for themselves so they plan deaths for the others because of the florins.
    EX-"For they were all so thrilled to see the site,/The florins were so beautiful and bright."
    T- Are the men in the pilgrimage for a spiritual experience?
    Y- This tale made me feel sad because so many people died because of the greed for the florins.

  7. T- This Story was very interesting I read about three individuals that all drank all a lot and just be marry. Find gold coins or what is also know at the time "Florins" As this story continues the three men devise a way to kill each other.
    EX- "Drank from it also, and they perished both". (231)
    T- this story teaches a lesson to the ready why would the author do this?
    y- This story mad sense to me all the wrong doers got caught a killed.
    -Noah Robison
